Afiyah Human Welfare Society

Registered under the Telangana Societies Registration Act 2001

Registration number: 617 of 2018 Hyderabad

Get Involved

One of the best ways to help the poor and needy people is giving them a hand up with your small contribution. Do you want to contribute to lighting up their lives through us?

We have different welfare programs to help the needy and poor. You can get involved in any one of our programs to help them achieving their career aspirations and further, bring a smile on their faces.

Provide education for Orphans

Education is important for everyone, not just for those who can afford it. Education can help children develop courage, awareness, and self-esteem. By taking part in our welfare program, you can help poor and needy children’s education by making a small contribution to pay their school fees, uniforms, books, stationery, accommodation or meals. You can initiate specific scholarship programs that cater to the above needs.

Sponsor a widow

Through us, you can sponsor widows by providing food, helping them pay rent, and help them establish a small business to bring economic stability in their lives.  

Donate your Zakaah and Sadqah 

You can make a small contribution from your Zakah and Sadqah and be a reason for good deeds. Support poor people and let them know that they have good people to help them and fulfill their basic needs.

Create awareness and spread the word

Motivate others to give a hand up for the needy and poor, which is not less than financial help. Your campaign will help us reach more people who want to help the needy. Also, you can campaign and volunteer about the issues that leave negative impacts on our society. You can also become a volunteer of AHWS to provide on-field assistance in executing tasks.

Change your perspective by serving humanity. Help them, love them, and respect them! You can make your contribution by contacting us.